Monday, March 2, 2015

The Sparsity of Women in Magic

I went to a meeting of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM) in Boston last week.

I seem to stop by one of these every time I move to a new city. In Chicago, it was the Society of American Magicians (SAM) - though, in all honesty, I only really went twice the entire year and a half that I lived there. I went to the the IBM ring in Memphis on a more regular basis back in 2010 - but that was my first exposure to the world of magic organizations.

And I really did enjoy my experiences at each of these clubs. It was great meeting other magicians - all of whom were very very friendly.

Here's something that I always knew but didn't really realize until I went to some of these clubs. There are almost no other female magicians. In fact, I think I really only met another female magician at one of these meetings just this last week at the IBM meeting in Boston.

On that note - and because I'm not feeling that well tonight and am planning on crashing early - I refer you to a Wired article that I very much enjoyed about women in magic: "There Aren't Many Women in Magic, But Those Who Are Kick Ass."

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