Sunday, February 22, 2015

Close Encounters of the Urban Kind: My First Encounter with the Police

Anecdotes from the Streets
My First Encounter with the Police

So early on - maybe first or second time street performing in Chicago - a police officer walks up to me. He hasn't seen me around before and wanted to take down my information. This little cartoon tells the beginning of that encounter.

Here I am, trying to do some magic. I don't know what the music notes for.
I am not singing. I shall never sing.
And definitely not in public.

A police officer sees me!

I was anxious at first.

And then...


Of course I gotz my license.

See? It's a nice license.

Form? What's this form? It's a form!
It says I encountered a police officer!
Yes I did.... Do you think he would let me take a picture of the form?

Okay, okay. Calm down. I should not be this excited to see the popo.
And ooh! Inconsistency in my Paint cartoon!
My license has magically appeared again!

Research data! Imagine what I could write! I should have recorded this! No, he wouldn't have let me...
But imagine the data! And and and andandandand...



Anonymous said...

Did you draw those pictures?Monica

Unknown said...

Hey! Yes... um.. through Microsoft Paint. Hehe.