I don't know what else to call it. Fail. That's it. I spent a long time just driving around downtown... trying to find a good area with a lot of pedestrian traffic. I settled for Beale St, which was ok - nowhere nearly as crowded as the University of Memphis campus. Did one OK small show for a couple of tourists. I did two hat lines - one before my finale and one at the end. My last hat line didn't come in quickly enough, and most people were gone by then.
I need a stronger opener. The crowd builds up as soon as I do the straight jacket... but that's my finale, and it doesn't last long enough to warrant a bigger hat, it seems. And grown-ups.. unlike college students... don't yell or laugh as loudly. It's harder to draw a crowd on Beale than it is to draw a crowd on a college campus.
That said - there were also some other buskers around. The moment the Beale St. flippers showed up, I felt like I was intruding on their territory. They weren't that successful in filling up their bucket either... and they definitely didn't work at drawing a crowd. Other than those guys, there were one or two musicians sitting around, playing music.
I strolled around and did some magic. My table's not ready yet... and I think not having it there makes it so that I'm moving around too much. I need to pick a spot and stick with it (maybe?). And then I need to draw my crowd in, as opposed to me going around trying to grab a crowd.
How do I do that? What's a good attention-grabber... in a street where there aren't really that many people? I have to figure that out... so I'll keep on doing some research.
So yeah. Fail. But I'll try again.
If I fall down seven times, I will stand up eight times.
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