Thursday, December 27, 2007

This is My Letter to the World

This is my first post - my first attempt at a blog - and, thus, I will begin with a little bit about myself. First, as the title tells you...

I am an amateur magician.

I have been learning and performing since 2002. I have considered myself a magician for six years now. And, still, I consider myself to be an amateur magician. This label that I've put on myself doesn't mean that I haven't learnt anything in six years. It doesn't mean that I don't consider my art seriously.

It simply means that I recognize how short six years really is. It means that, when I look around at the world of magicians hidden in the depths of the internet - when I look at all these people and all the things that I have yet to learn - I know that I still have a long way to go.

Why, then, is a nineteen-year-old amateur magician starting her own blog? What sage advice can she give? Is she going to come up with new effects? New routines? Is she going to offer product reviews when there are already plenty of those around - when there are probably hundreds of others out there from magicians with more experience?

It's a possibility. But probably not. Probably not for a long time.

Then maybe reading all that was just a waste of your time.

Then again, maybe it's time we look at magic from a different perspective. I'm not sure what exactly I have to offer here, but I figured my thoughts are a good place to start. I figured my experiences as a magician and a person, riddled with the mistakes and luck of a beginner and a young adult (wow, I'm almost 20)... I figured that all this might help some people look at magic in a different way.

And, along the way, I know that I'll learn something. More than a simple "me writing down my thoughts," I know that you and others like you will show me their way of walking and dancing. I know that you'll dig a path for me to follow, as will others. I know that I'll look at them - probably admire them with an open mouth and a certain kind of awe - and then come up with my own way to walk and dance. I'll explore your roads and find another road for myself.

It's my fault that I've stayed away from the online magical community for so long. The intricacies of the internet and forums and cafes... they've always eluded me. They still do. I don't know much about the politics of magicians, and I don't care much about them.

But I do want to step out from the bubble where I live. I want to poke my head out of this fog, so that I can see, at last, this wide world that lies before me. I want to speak with other magicians. I want to meet other magicians.

So, with that, I would like to take this time to say hello.

My name is Felice.
I'm glad we're meeting at last.

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